Am Freitag gab es von den PLENK-ModeratorInnen Stephen Dowes, George Siemens und Rita Kop eine Elluminate-Einführung, wie ein offener Kurs funktioniert.
PLENK steht für Personal Learning Environments, Networks, and Knowledge . Tim Schlotfeldt hat in seinem Blog schon darüber geschrieben. Ich überlege immer noch, ob ich daran teilnehmen soll, aber es hat schon was an einem Kurs zu teilzunehmen,
- in dem hunderte oder über tausend Menschen
- aus aller Welt
- mit selbst gewähltem Lernumfeld (Blog, Second Life…)
- mit selbst gewähltem Arbeitsumfang, wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe,
arbeiten und lernen.
Der Prozess soll so ablaufen:
will be offered as a connectivist course, therefore offering participants to acquire the experience of developing and working within a learning network while studying the body of relevant research.In a connectivist course course materials and course content are defined by participants as the course progresses, rather than prior to the course by instructors. Though the course outline defines a set of
selected topics, these function as signposts for an iterative process of search, practice and reflection, as described here: facilitate this process, course facilitators will maintain the following levels of course support:
- a course wiki, which may be edited by participants, describing the course outline
- a daily newsletter, which will aggregate student blogs, Twitter posts, and discussion posts
- each Sunday readings and resources will be posted to the wiki and (on Monday) to the Daily
- a Moodle discussion forum, read and responded to by course facilitators
- Wednesday Elluminate session, usually featuring a relevant guess speaker
- Friday Elluminate session, as a weekly review with course facilitators
The course may not be limited to this level of support as course participants are encouraged to develop their own course supports and to share those supports with other participants. Examples of such supports
in previous courses have included concept maps, Google groups, Second Life sessions, in-person meetings, course-meetups, and more.
Facilitators will participate in these additional supports as possible given time and facilities constraints.